Category Archives: Movies


Am aflat de Lemonade de pe blogul lui Seth Godin (Free inspiration and insight).

What do people who were once paid to be creative for a living do when they’re laid off? They get creative with their own lives. Lemonade is an inspirational film about 16 advertising professionals who lost their jobs and found their calling, encouraging people to listen to that little voice inside their head that asks, “What if?”

Lemonade un film motivant, care sper sa se dezvolte ca o actiune de promovare a libertatii individuale. Reteta este sa regasesti curajul, setul de valori personale, sinceritata fata de propriul spirit, pasiuni, dorinta de auto-dezvoltare si sustinerea celor dragi.

Calatoria este mai importanta decat rezultatul!

Mai vrei altceva ?!?

„Anything Else” e o comedie regizata de Woody Allen. Fazele sunt comune comediilor care implica o relatie amoroasa, iar personajele se incadreaza in rolurile de: barbat de tip catelus si oricand disponibil pentru sacrificii, femeie isterica, perfida si eminenta cenusie cu replici despre viata.

David Dobel, interpretat de Woody Allen, este eminenta cenusie in acest caz: „Yoy said it yourself, you’re afraid to sleep alone. That’s the whole story. You surround yourself with this farrage of babysitters, this loving-disabled little sex kitten who’s driving you crazy, the Jew manager, you know? And let me tell you I am of the Hebrew pursuassion, but the guy that handles you is a member of one of the lost tribes of Israel that should have remained lost. And you got this shrink who, like God, never speaks, and like God, is dead. There’s nothing wrong with being afraid. We were meant to be afraid. That’s why you gotta build a survival kit!

David Dobel: Let me tell you, Falk. We live in perilous times. You got to keep alert for these things. You don’t want your life to wind up as black-and-white newsreel footage scored by a cello in a minor key.

David Dobel: Last night I was home alone in my apartment and I conjured up a threesome with me, Marilyn Monroe and Sophia Loren, and it was very very erotic. As a matter of fact if I’m not mistaken, it was the first time those two great actresses ever appeared in anything together.

David Dobel: The pill makes her crazy? Falk, she *is* crazy. The Pentagon should use her hormones for chemical warfare.

David Dobel: Since the beginning of time people have been, you know, frightened and, and unhappy, and they’re scared of death, and they’re scared of getting old, and there’s always been priests around, and shamans, and now shrinks, to tell ‘em, „Look, I know you’re frightened, but I can help you. Of course, it is going to cost you a few bucks…” But they *can’t* help you, Falk, because life is what it is.

Formatorul de caractere

Duminica seara, am vizionat pe TVR 1 filmul „Clubul imparatilor„. Mai multe informatii despre scenariu, actori, citate, le puteti gasi pe site-ul lor, adica

Suntem cativa dascali in familie, incepand cu mama, cu matusele si verisoarele mele si terminand cu mine, care am renuntat la aceasta profesie nobila. Poate acesta este unul dintre motivele pentru care acest film mi-a trezit o stare de mandrie, de apreciere, de nostalgie. Cred ca, mama e un exemplu de invatatoare care a transformat viata catorva copii care i-au fost elevi.
Mi-am amintit de profesorii care mi-au schimbat mie perspectiva asupra vietii, societatii, procesului de invatare, si carora le multumesc (desi, cel mai des am facut-o indirect): d-lui diriginte Ion Ivan, profesorului de geografie, dl. Gheorghe Grigorescu , d-nei Mihaela Gherghelescu, profesoara de psihologie, dl. Adrian Dan- profesor de dezvoltare comunitara si d-lui Dumitru Iacob, profesor de comunicare si relatii publice. Am invatat de la fiecare, chiar daca nu erau informatii legate de materia pe care o predau. As mai putea enumera si alte nume….pentru ca fiecare interactiune este un eveniment unic.

„Great teachers have little external history to record. Their lives go over into other lives. These men are pillars in the intimate structure of our schools. They are more essential than its stones or beams. They will continue to be a kindling force and a revealing power; part of necessary fabric men breath.” – citat din film

Sa ii pretuim pe cei care au avut rabdarea, pasiunea de a ne forma caracterul si spiritul.